Thursday, April 24, 2008

Amazon? Amazon.

People ask me all the time where I find my books and how it is that I get my text books at such great prices. Amazon. "Amazon?" Yes. Amazon. I love finding old editions of text books (usually the only things that change are the chapter organization and the number of editors) at ridiculous prices. You know what else I love? Wish List. I'm not sure who thought of this wonderous thing first but God bless them! I have talked before of my Border's Syndrome and this eleviates a lot of the pain I feel in my wallet. I always feel a fear that if I don't buy a book the moment I see it I will forget about it and that is a great loss. But- there is the wish list. I don't always buy my books on amazon (I want to save the books stores! I love the book stores!) but I can look through my wish list before heading to Border's or Barnes and Noble for a better idea of what to buy. I love that I can edit the wich list at any time and tell them what I already own. I love recommendations, as well. Books that otherwise would never have heard of or seen are now available to me. I love Amazon. Partly for the huge savings on text books (I once got a $70 history text for $5!) and partly for the wish list/recommendations.

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